26 Apr 2021

Never Have I Ever

I’m going to confess, it’s been a long while I came here and personally, I don’t feel good about it; so, to pacify everyone, I decided to come up with the popular “Never Have I Ever” game.

I’m sure we are all conversant with the “Never Have I Ever” game, and in case this is your first time of coming across this game, I will do well to elucidate on it.

“Never Have I Ever” is a drinking game (not compulsory), in which players take turns asking other players about things they have not done. Other players who have done this thing respond by taking a drink or whatever you decide on.

That’s basically how the game goes.

I would love to know your thoughts in the comment section about this game and probably, the things you have never done.

Most importantly, the whole idea about this game is to actually do that ‘thing’ that you have never done before, and you think you should or could do it.

Funny though, today is my BIRTHDAY, so I decided to play along also by doing something I have never done, and as the first player in the game, I would take turn by giving to anyone and everyone a SHORT FREE EBOOK written, edited, packaged and researched by me, titled “EBOOK CYCLOPEDIA.”

The link to the FREE EBOOK will be dropped at the bottom of this article.

I would really love to know your “Never Have I Ever” in the comment section.

Click here to download the FREE EBOOK.

You could also click on this link to download my previous book, titled Qa’ra. 

Thanks for reading.

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Never Have I Ever

I’m going to confess, it’s been a long while I came here and personally, I don’t feel good about it; so, to pacify everyone, I decided to co...