26 Apr 2021

Never Have I Ever

I’m going to confess, it’s been a long while I came here and personally, I don’t feel good about it; so, to pacify everyone, I decided to come up with the popular “Never Have I Ever” game.

I’m sure we are all conversant with the “Never Have I Ever” game, and in case this is your first time of coming across this game, I will do well to elucidate on it.

“Never Have I Ever” is a drinking game (not compulsory), in which players take turns asking other players about things they have not done. Other players who have done this thing respond by taking a drink or whatever you decide on.

That’s basically how the game goes.

I would love to know your thoughts in the comment section about this game and probably, the things you have never done.

Most importantly, the whole idea about this game is to actually do that ‘thing’ that you have never done before, and you think you should or could do it.

Funny though, today is my BIRTHDAY, so I decided to play along also by doing something I have never done, and as the first player in the game, I would take turn by giving to anyone and everyone a SHORT FREE EBOOK written, edited, packaged and researched by me, titled “EBOOK CYCLOPEDIA.”

The link to the FREE EBOOK will be dropped at the bottom of this article.

I would really love to know your “Never Have I Ever” in the comment section.

Click here to download the FREE EBOOK.

You could also click on this link to download my previous book, titled Qa’ra. 

Thanks for reading.

14 Jan 2020

How to learn better

Do you know we remember just 10% of what we read, so you might ask what’s the point of reading anyway if you aren’t going to remember?!
I’ll be sharing some ways you can maximize and remember the information you get in a book.

  1. After you’re done reading, you can use the table of content to ask yourself questions to ensure you really got the most out of the book. You can use the title of the chapter or the subsections within the book. Remember how in class you remember easily questions you or someone else asked better than the lecture itself, the same principle applies here!
  2. Every book has a message, and for most books especially best selling books they’ve either done a Tedx talk, podcast, a summary etc on the book. Searching for this on the internet to ensure you got the core message of the book helps.
  3. Teach someone what you learnt either online or offline. They say when you teach someone you learn twice!
  4. Most authors always have either a summary or action plan at the end of each chapter. Don’t procrastinate, take action immediately! Meditate on the summary of the chapter if there’s one.
I hope this helps!
Let me know in the comment below what you would like me to write about in my next post.
Follow us on Ig @myqarabookclub
Remember it’s important to take action immediately!😉

7 Jan 2020


Last year I came across a brain expert, Jim Kwik, and I learnt some pretty amazing stuffs from him of which one is how to read a book a week. And knowing that it's what highly successful do (some read more than that!), I've just got to try it out.

  1. Know your reading speed.
You can do this manually or on the internet(follow this link).
To do it manually, time yourself and read for 60secs, count the number of lines you read to get lines per minute
Then multiply your lines per minute with the average number of words per line.
For example, in 60secs, I read 27 lines
My lines per minute is 27
The average number of words per line is 15
So to get my words per minute (WPM): 27× 13 = 351
That is my words per minute is 351.

2. Based on your reading speed, determine the minute per day you need to finish the book.
a) Find out the number of words in the book(you can get this on the internet)  and divide by your words per minute
E.g if the number of words in the book is 64,000
64,000/351 ~ 183 minutes to finish the book
b) 183/7 ~ 26minutes per day to finish the book

Alternative, is to divide the pages of the book by 7
If the book has 246 pages, you'll need to read 36 pages everyday
So the first day, you can time yourself to see how long it took you to read that number of pages.

3. Schedule your reading
It can be at once, or sectioned throughout the day.
This is important for discipline.

4. Increase your reading speed by
a) using a visual pacer
b) being focused, avoiding distractions
c) read fast
d) learning how to read (the last time we learnt how to read was in kindergarten). Reading is a skill that should be learnt continuously, it's different from cramming which is what most of us know how to do.

Challenge yourself to finish a book next week.
Don't forget to use the hashtag #1book1week and tag @myqarabookclub

Thanks for your comments. Love it
Comment below the most you've read in a month.

Never Have I Ever

I’m going to confess, it’s been a long while I came here and personally, I don’t feel good about it; so, to pacify everyone, I decided to co...