17 Oct 2018


This is not the first ‘purpose book’ I would read but what i saw in this book I haven’t seen anywhere else. The knowledge in this book wowed my mind. 

The author uses the life of Joseph (and other people) as an illustration of how purpose is unveiled in ones life, of how Joseph continued to serve people which lead him into destiny.

This is a book on living the life God has called you into. This book messes with your mindset in a good way, it helps you put things in proper perspective and it gives you insight in God’s word. And what better way to understand destiny than from God Himself.

In this book you’d see
  • How service and greatness is linked.
“Serving doesn’t lead to greatness, it is simply what Great people do!”

  • What progress really means.
“Patience is not determined by time, it is determined by the promise“

  • The concept of time
“No regret without time, no hope without it, faith is useless when it’s absent, Love couldn’t express itself in its demise”
  • Seasons in destiny
Planting season, Rooting Season, Growth Season and Yielding Season
What and what shouldn’t be done in these seasons. 
  • The role Relationships play in fulfilling purpose
“Ultimately, the things relationships will bring into your life, no wealth could possibly bring them.”
  • How Excellnce and Diligence would go a long way in your journey 
  • How unwise it is to want to be like someone else or compare yourself with others 
  • The recipe for making wise decisions.
“Decisions determine destiny.”
  • Little (innocent) compromises that can prevent you from fulfilling purpose 
  • The role your mouth plays in the fulfillment of your destiny.
“Your life is moving constantly in the direction of your dominant confession.”
At the last page of this book, you’ll see an invitation to accept Christ(if you haven’t) because there’s no purpose outside of Christ. And after receiving the life of Christ into your life, the next big thing is to ask Him ‘What you are on earth for?’ This book makes your discovery easier.

If you’re in Ile-Ife, Osun State, Nigeria and you would love to have a copy, email me at oluwaremielizabeth@gmail.com
For other locations visit his website
Or email damioguntunde@gmail.com

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