21 Oct 2018


A lot of people find their identity in what they do and even some are confused about who they are. 
There are so many conflict when it comes to Identity and we see it materialize in what we call low self-esteem.
People are pressurized into living up to ‘an image’ hence not discovering their own self.

You are as unique as your fingerprint.
T D Jakes in the 7 chapters of this book, has helped us to understand through the scriptures of the Holy Bible that God has a purpose for creating EVERY ONE. You are not an accident nor a mistake, your parent may not have planned you but He did.

“The value of your creator should cause you to reconsider your own worth and value”

We carry the very nature of God because He made us in His image and likeness. Our make-up: personality, temperament, IQ, height is needed for what we were made to do.

“The designer made you a certain way so that you could accomplish a certain purpose” 

He made no mistake when making you. You are His masterpiece. 
Like Elisha, we should be able to recognize God-ordained moment calling us into our purpose even as we are faithful in what we are doing at the moment.

T D Jakes made us understand in this book that there are no such thing as you’re not fit for your purpose. God doesn’t use perfect people as in fact no one is, He uses ready heart.
He uses us in spite of us. No one can ever do it the way you would do it. You are UNIQUE.

“One of the enemy’s greatest lies concerning your purpose is that you are unworthy to step into so great a purpose”

You have to understand that your purpose is beyond you. When you refuse to fulfill purpose, you are depriving your generation of the benefits.

“You play an integral, interconnected part in completing the most glorious puzzle conceivable!”

Lastly, be found ready when your moment comes and don’t announce yourself, don’t be in an haste to be known!

You can get yours on Amazon

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