2 Jan 2019

Books for 2019

It's good to have a list of books to read for the year as part of your growth plan.
Here's a list based on 8 component of one's life which are
-  Spirituality
-  Family and Friends
-  Career/Business/Academics
-  Health and Wellbeing
-  Significant other/ Relationships
-  Fun/ Recreation/ Rest
-  Money/ Finances
-  Personal development

1. It depends on where you are with God, but i strongly recommend Destined to reign by Joseph Prince. If you're at a place where you are tired of your effort, feeling condemned or want to understand the Grace of God, this is for you.

2. How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie.
This is a good book (guide) to being a people person, it's useable regardless of your personality (sanguine, choleric, melancholy, phlegmatic).

3. Cashflow Quadrant by Robert Kiyosaki.
This book talks about how your source of income can affect your financial state and your journey to financial freedom.

Reading a book written by someone you look up to is a good idea too.

4. Look Great, Feel Great by Joyce Meyer
She shares on what to do to enjoy life in your body, balancing it with God's word.

5. Waiting and Dating by Myles Monroe and Love and Respect by Dr Emerson Eggerichs
I recommend both as it pertains to different level of life tho not restricted to any. The first is a sensible guide to a fulfilling Love relationship (in the words of the author), it talks about the purpose of dating and the right way to go about it.
The second talks about the unique need of a man and a wiman in a marriage relationship.

6. Oops! I can't seem to find a book that solely speaks on this. But here's an advice Learn to take a break, celebrate little successes, have a regular night time, have a day to yourself, engage in your hobby every now and then but don't be distacted. Stay focused!

7. The Richest Man in Babylon by George S. Clason
The author shares financial principles used in ancient Babylon (that is still applicable today) by the citizens to attain financial success.

8. Today matters by John C. Maxwell
If you don't read any other, READ THIS!!!
Because in a way, this talks about the importance of the rest and how doing something to improve daily sums up to improve the quality of your life.

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