18 Nov 2018


What does time have to do with frog, you might ask. The frog the author is referring to in this book is 'your biggest, most important task, the one you are most likely to procrastinate on if you don't do something about it'

The author starts by mentioning that to have a productive day, you have to start with your most important task, and not the easier ones.

"Important task completion triggers the release of endorphins in your brain"

We have 21 chapters in this book, and in these chapters he gives tips on how we can have a productive day which leads to a productive life.

He makes us understand that knowing what exactly you want to achieve and writing it down is the first step to being productive. Writing down our goals help us save time and planning our day the night before puts our subconscious mind to work on the list.

"10/90 Rule- This rule says that the first 10% of time that you spend planning and organizing your work, before you begin, will save you as much as 90% of the time in getting the job done once you get started"

"80/20 Rule- 20% of your activities will account for 80%of your results"

Everyone is a procastinator, the author says. So it's all about not proscrascinating on the important task. Set your task in order of priority using the ABCDE method (you'll understand this better in the book). Know what really matters to you and go after it, if being average in your most important task is making you discouraged then seek to learn the skill.

Like every food that we take, eating a frog takes one bite at a time. Don't overwhelm yourself, learn to rest. Make the best use of technology, download a time planner.

Making goals and sticking with them is not an easy thing to do but successful people know that they have to cultivate good habit even when inconvenient.

This is a good resource to use in helping you have a productive life which you can get here

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