30 Aug 2019

What's with relationship?!

So I've had a lot of people ask me what books they should read on relationship, I guess for most of us this is one area of our life we cannot really truly ignore. A part of you longs for intimacy, and the ability to trust someone wholeheartedly.
Source: Pinterest

I'll be mentioning 5 books you should read and why.

1. I Kissed Dating Goodbye by Joshua Harris
Follow this link to check my previous post on it.

2 Waiting and Dating by Myles Munroe
This is one of the books that was written to 'tackle' Joshua Harris concept of dating. I would recommend you read both to give you a perspective and an overview.

3. He motions by T.D Jakes
Most people enter into relationships without knowing the way the other person works or is wired. Don't be that person.

4. Every Woman by Derek Llewellyn- Jones
Beyond reading on how the other person is wired, know how they're body works. Men should read this!

5. Rich Dad Poor Dad by Robert Kiyosaki
How is a Finance book going to help my relationship you might ask!
It may interest you to know that "Finances are the leading cause of stress in relationships according to CNBC in this article
Read books on Finance and know how money works.

I listed 4 more other books on my eBook Qa'ra: A Call To Read. Get yours on Okadabooks or Bambooks.

You don't fall into love, you commit to it. Love is saying I will be there no matter what ~ Tim Keller 
 P.s Words written in purple are to be clicked which would direct you to the intended page.

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