31 Dec 2019


It's been a while here!
Wow, we're about to enter into another decade guys!

Life is amazing, but you know what's more amazing...it's been intentional about your life.
The next decade is not going to be better than the last if you are not intentional about it.

A perspective to it is being intentional about reading the right books.
I'm starting the new year by reading books on MINDSET
I've come to understand that having the right mindset leads to a lasting success.
Finance expert always lead with you changing your beliefs about money, because in the end what you believe ends up shaping you, this is more than just a motivational talk, it's the truth. It's the reason lottery winners lose the money they get.
It's a truth supported by the Word of God,
Rom.12.2 - Don't copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will know what God wants you to do, and you will know how good and pleasing and perfect his will really is (NLT).

You know the right thing to do by educating your mind to think right, the real difference between high achievers and low achievers is how they think!
Marisa Peer, author of I AM ENOUGH,  talks about having key beliefs that would improve your self esteem. She says 'Your mind will believe whatever you tell it' whether true or false. It does whatever you tell it to do, what you present to your mind it presents back to you.

So 2020 for me is knowing and doing what the highly successful know and do.

Here's my list:
The Power of your mind - Chris Oyakhilome
 Mindset (The New Psychology of success) - Carol Dweck
Change your thinking, change your mind - Brian Tracy
The Code of the extraordinary mind - Vishen Lakhiani
Secrets of the millionaire mind - T Harv Eker
As a man thinketh - James Allen

You can get these books PDF file on pdfdrive.net

I want to hear from you, mention in the comment section what you want to start the new decade with or other books on Mindset you know.


  1. Hi Qara,

    Is there any book on Wisdom, ma, that you heavily recommend?

    1. I recommend Mike Murdock books, he has quite a number of books on wisdom.
      And of course Book of Proverbs, haha.

  2. Very nice. Mindset is the fuel for every decision!


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